Step 1/8
Step 1/2
Set your Plot Size
Set your commitment
The commitment corresponds to 1000 Signa per TiB
Current Block Reward: 100 Signa
Average Commitment per TiB : 2000 Signa
Signa per day
USD per day
This calculator serves only as a long term revenue estimate. These results are not guaranteed to be accurate as they depend on the average miner commitment, which varies over time, so your real revenues could fluctuate.
If a miner has no Signa staked on his account for commitment, only 1/8 of his actual capacity will be effective — reducing the chances of mining blocks and therefore reducing mining income.
If the miner has exactly the average commitment per TiB of capacity, the multiplying factor is 1 and their income will already be much higher than those without any stake.
If the miner stakes 100x more than the average commitment per TiB, then his effective capacity is multiplied by a factor of 8. This means his chance to mine blocks is 8 times higher and therefore his mining income is increased.
Signum empowers users and developers worldwide with innovative blockchain solutions for everyday life. Signum makes sending trustless, peer-to-peer transactions quickly, efficiently, and securely possible.